The Uterine Exchange: Our Blog

A Powerful Sisterhood

Conversations about uterine health often remain hushed and private, which perpetuates stigma and lack of knowledge about the real effects of these conditions.

It’s time to break the silence.

Talk with your sisters, aunties, grandmas, cousins, and friends about your experience so we can collectively create a space of understanding, support, and empowerment amongst Black women. Sharing our experiences can help dispel myths, reduce stigma, and encourage early detection and prevention.

Let’s build a stronger, healthier community together.

Emotional Support Kayla Nixon Emotional Support Kayla Nixon

Understanding Uterine Health: A Guide for Male Partners

When your partner is diagnosed with a uterine health condition like cancer, fibroids, endometriosis, or PCOS, it can be a challenging and overwhelming time for both of you. It may impact male partners' emotions, introducing feelings of helplessness, frustration, worry and anger. You can take the time to learn how to navigate the intimate nature of uterine health conditions together.

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