The Uterine Exchange: Our Blog

A Powerful Sisterhood

Conversations about uterine health often remain hushed and private, which perpetuates stigma and lack of knowledge about the real effects of these conditions.

It’s time to break the silence.

Talk with your sisters, aunties, grandmas, cousins, and friends about your experience so we can collectively create a space of understanding, support, and empowerment amongst Black women. Sharing our experiences can help dispel myths, reduce stigma, and encourage early detection and prevention.

Let’s build a stronger, healthier community together.

Kayla Nixon Kayla Nixon

IUD Insertion—What Is It Really Like?: A Guide for Black Women

Let’s be forreal—getting an IUD inserted is incredibly painful. For Black women, this pain can be exacerbated by systemic issues in healthcare, where our pain is often overlooked or dismissed. This article details the IUD insertion procedure, steps Black women can take to make the process more manageable, and questions to ask a doctor before committing to the process.

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Fertility Kayla Nixon Fertility Kayla Nixon

What If I Can’t Have Children? Exploring Fertility & Cryopreservation for Black Women

Black women have higher rates of infertility than White women, and despite the higher rate of infertility, are less likely to use in vitro fertilization. Infertility is often mentioned as a symptom of uterine cancer, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), fibroids, and endometriosis. Let’s explore what it looks like for a Black woman to invest in egg freezing after a cancer diagnosis, what the process looks like, and the pros and cons of cryopreservation.

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Advocacy Kayla Nixon Advocacy Kayla Nixon

Self-Advocacy: Nine Strategies for Black Women Taking Charge of Their Health

In a perfect world, it would be nice if when Black women entered a medical setting, we were given what we need because it’s the right thing to do.

We live in a world in which Serena Williams’ symptoms of birth complications were disregarded in a hospital after giving birth to her daughter. We live in a world where Black influencer Jessica Pettway passed away because of misdiagnosis.

Explore nine strategies that help you advocate for yourself to get the treatment and care you need for your uterine health condition.

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Emotional Support Kayla Nixon Emotional Support Kayla Nixon

Understanding Uterine Health: A Guide for Male Partners

When your partner is diagnosed with a uterine health condition like cancer, fibroids, endometriosis, or PCOS, it can be a challenging and overwhelming time for both of you. It may impact male partners' emotions, introducing feelings of helplessness, frustration, worry and anger. You can take the time to learn how to navigate the intimate nature of uterine health conditions together.

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