Letters To My Womb Initiative

When Founder Kayla Nixon, MEd, was diagnosed with stage I uterine cancer, she wrote a letter to her future children in her first moments alone. Most women that want to have children grow up with the assumption that when the time is right, it will happen easily and naturally. Kayla remembers the most devastating part of the journey as having big conversations at age 24 about the possibility that her fertility may be compromised by uterine cancer and incurable polycystic ovary syndrome.

This initiative invites you, our community, to write letters to their wombs, reflecting on your experiences, challenges, and hopes.

Let it be raw.

Angry. Sad. Disappointed. Hopeful. Optimistic. Authentic.

This initiative is meant to show others the range of emotions and the realness of any experience with compromised uterine health.

Let it be therapy, but also let it be awareness for those who may face similar challenges.

Prompting Questions

  • Personal Reflections

    How has your understanding of your body changed over time?

    What have been your biggest challenges or triumphs related to uterine health?

    How has your experience with uterine health shaped your identity and worldview?

  • Emotional Journey

    What emotions have you experienced in relation to your uterine health?

    How have your relationships with others (partners, family, friends) been affected by your experiences?

    Have there been any moments of joy, hope, or resilience in your journey?

  • Medical Experiences

    Can you describe your experience with diagnosis and treatment?

    What were the most challenging or rewarding aspects of your healthcare journey?

    How have your experiences with the healthcare system influenced your perspective on women's health?

  • Social and Cultural Factors

    How have societal attitudes, cultural beliefs, or stigma impacted your experiences with uterine health?

    Have you faced any discrimination or prejudice based on your gender, race, or socioeconomic status?

    How have your experiences influenced your views on gender equality and reproductive rights?

  • Body Positivity and Self-Acceptance

    How has your relationship with your body changed over time?

    Have you experienced body image issues or self-esteem challenges related to your uterine health?

    How have you worked on cultivating body positivity and self-acceptance?

    What role has your body played in your journey toward self-love and empowerment?

  • Looking Forward

    What do you hope others will learn from your story?

    What advice would you give to women who are facing similar challenges?

    What are your hopes and dreams for the future of women's health?

Submit Your Letter