Charaya’s Story: PCOS and a Holistic Approach to Health

A holistic health approach is about caring for the whole person, including physical, mental, spiritual, and social needs. When Charaya was diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) within the last five years, she opted for this approach, finding healing primarily through lifestyle modifications like exercise and healthier eating habits.

In addition to modern medicine, shouldn’t we all, by definition, be approaching health more holistically?

Initially prescribed Metformin, Charaya ultimately decided on a different and more natural path. “I see a holistic doctor who gives me a regimen to go by,” she explains. This decision to pursue alternative care is never one taken lightly, and many women, with the help of professionals, experience favorable results with natural remedies such as dietary adjustments, exercises like yoga, herbal teas and supplements, and acupuncture.

PCOS symptoms are markedly expressed externally in a way that symptoms of other uterine health conditions are not. For Charaya, she experienced excessive hair growth, significant weight gain, and difficulty losing weight. Perhaps the most heart-wrenching challenge was suffering a miscarriage. “That was one of the hardest things I've gone through,” she reflects. “It made me scared to try again, not knowing if I could carry full term.” A 2022 study indicated that women with PCOS are more likely to miscarry and often more than once. While no cause has been pinpointed specifically, researchers surmise that genetic abnormalities, infection, immune dysfunction, the presence of other disorders, and other factors could be responsible for recurrent miscarriages. 

Despite the emotional toll of her first miscarriage, Charaya found hope through her holistic health plan. “Having a holistic doctor has been an amazing gift,” she shares. “After following my doctor’s recommendations, I was able to conceive and have a baby.” In addition to her holistic plan, Charaya credits her faith and fervent prayer for this remarkable blessing. 

Now on the other side of her journey to motherhood, Charaya reflects on the emotional toll the experience had on her relationships. “At times, I felt my condition was a strain on my relationship, but my husband was definitely supportive and helpful,” she acknowledges. In addition to the pressure on her marriage, Charaya’s work and daily life were also affected. “I did take a leave of absence from work due to depression and anxiety,” she notes. In these heavy moments, therapy and the constant support of her husband kept her going.

For others facing similar experiences, Charaya advises, “Keep praying and keep the faith—it will happen in due time.” Through her journey, we are reminded that every woman's path to healing is unique, and sometimes, alternative therapies can offer hope where traditional medicine may not comprehensively address our issues.

 As Charaya looks to the future, her goals are to continue exercising, focus on healthy eating, and manage her weight. She also hopes to see more support groups for women dealing with PCOS and other uterine health conditions. Though the journey with PCOS has been long and difficult for Charaya, trusting herself to take the road often less traveled in medicine led to profound strength, success, and wellness.


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