General Questions To Ask Your Provider

What is the prognosis?

What are my treatment options and which is most recommended specifically for me?

How effective is the recommended treatment?

Are there clinical trials available that might be suitable for me?

Will I need surgery and what will recovery post-operation look like?

What can I expect during recovery and will my quality of life be impacted?

What kind of support services are available to help me cope?

How often will I need to be monitored?

How can I involve my family and friends in the process?

How can I cope with the emotional impact of this diagnosis?

Questions To Ask Your Provider About Uterine Cancer

  • What type of uterine cancer do I have?

    The two main types of uterine cancer are endometrial cancer and uterine sarcoma, which together account for more than 90% of uterine cancer cases.

  • What stage is the cancer?

    Uterine cancer has four stages, I through IV, that describe the size of the cancer and how far it has spread. This also determines the course of treatment your specialist may recommend.

  • What are the signs and symptoms of a recurrence?

    Common signs of endometrial cancer recurrence include vaginal bleeding, changes in bowel or bladder habits, abdominal pain, bloating, shortness of breath, nausea, or vomiting.

  • What can I do to reduce my risk of recurrence?

    Ask your provider what treatment is best for you to prevent recurrence. Lifestyle changes like eating a balanced diet, maintaining a healthy weight, exercising regularly, and not smoking can help.

Questions To Ask Your Provider About Fibroids

What is the size and location of my fibroids?

Are my fibroids growing or shrinking?

Are there any associated health risks or complications?

How will the treatment affect my fertility or menstrual cycle?

Will I need surgery to remove the fibroids?

If surgery is recommended, what type of surgery will I need?

Should I avoid certain activities or medications?

What are the signs that my fibroids may be growing or causing problems?

When should I seek immediate medical attention?

Questions To Ask Your Provider About Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

  • What are the specific symptoms of PCOS that I have?

    Symptoms can include irregular periods or no periods at all, excessive hair growth (hirsutism), weight gain, acne, and fertility issues. Discuss the presence of any of these symptoms with your doctor and mention anything else that may seem abnormal with your body.

  • How is PCOS diagnosed?

    PCOS is diagnosed by a clinical exam, ultrasound, and blood tests.

  • Are there any underlying causes for PCOS?

    The cause of PCOS is currently unknown, but current evidence shows that genetics play a role.

  • Are there any lifestyle changes that can help improve my PCOS symptoms?

    An active lifestyle and balanced diet are recommended. Be sure to discuss any lifestyle changes with your provider.

  • Can I get pregnant if I have PCOS?

    PCOS is a leading cause of infertility, but it is not totally impossible for some affected patients to get pregnant.

  • Am I at increased risk for any other health conditions, such as diabetes or heart disease?

    Women with PCOS are more likely to develop, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and uterine cancer.

Questions To Ask Your Provider About Endometriosis

How was endometriosis diagnosed?

What is the severity of my endometriosis?

Is there a cure for endometriosis?

Are there any underlying causes or risk factors for developing endometriosis?

What can I expect in terms of my long-term prognosis?

What are my treatment options for endometriosis?

Will my treatment plan need to be adjusted over time?

Can endometriosis affect my fertility?

If I have difficulty getting pregnant, what treatment options are available?

Can endometriosis affect my pregnancy if I do become pregnant?